Monday, 13 October 2008

Hott List

Pretty Self-explanatory
Here is a [non-ordered] list of people I like to ogle at. Awesome.

Jonathon Rhys Myers

Of 'Bend it Like Beckham' fame (where I first admired him with his dodgy Irish accent) and more recently 'The Tudors', seriously the only reason I've watched it. It's his eyes, his dreamy, dreamy eyes. Corr. They're all melty. It's great.

And this picture. This time, not just his eyes.

Whatsisname off Heroes, that Peter one

As with Jonathon, Milo [weird long name] also has the dreamy eyes. But he also seems like he'd be lovely and buy me shit and stuff. Btw, I'm talking series one here, not the other ones where he has cut his floppy hair and I hear he has gone all Neo, complete with leather (actually I may have to check out this new series). But yeah, he's your typical brooding, sensitive and moody type as shown here with his furrowed brow. It's all a bit obvious, but he's still damn pretty. A special mention should also go to the other hot men of Heroes (Mary also understands me btw) Isaac, who I suspect is not completely representative of all heroin addicts and the big Petrelli, whose name I can't remember but who is also good-looking for an old man.

And look! He's beefed himself up! Big strong arms, as Michael would say. I don't usually go for this kinda look, but I'm liking this one, a LOT.

Tamaki Suou

So yes. I was gonna talk about his amazing personality traits, but lets face it, he is indeed a cartoon character. I'm not going into it, but if I was I was an Ouran High School Host Club 'customer' I'd most definitely choose Tamaki. Although Kyoya there is nice too, all dark and mysterious and stuff. Let's move on..

Paul Bettany

I'm not entirely sure why. First thing, he's ginger! (No offence Tim). I'm not usually a fan of the those of the strawberry blonde variety, well, as in I don't think I've ever fancied anyone ginger, but there's just something about him, that is extremely sexy, despite the fact he always appears to play a twat. I can't explain it, animal magenetism perhaps. Whatever it is, it's made me watch Wimbledon, The Hole and A Knights Tale far more than I really should (i.e. more than once).

Razorlight/Johnny Borrell
I don't care, I still love them. Before the release of their shit second album that is and whatever drivel they're releasing this week (although I probably will download and weep for old times (The first album is amazing, fuck off)). Probably the first band (not counting the backstreet boys etc.) that I was properly fanatical about and followed around (I still have a blurry pic of me and johnny outside brixton academy, me looking incredibly geeky). But anyway, for all of Johnny's horsey face and big teeth and Andy's just plain weird giant chin, the 17 year-old (Jesus!) inside of me still adores them.

Jimi Mistry

Well for one, he has a fucking awesome name. But mostly, it's well, his winning smile. Seriously, it's amazing (not shown here...I can't find any decent pictures although this is good too - i'm liking the hair). That's pretty much it.

And that is it. Special mention also goes out to Gael Garcia Bernal, who is ridiculously pretty but I can't be bothered - he's properly hott, google! But this has taken me well too long - i really should be really be doing some work. There is also a missing hot women part missing but that will probably come later. Of course, top of any list is always that Mikey C fellow, but he doesn't picture as well as the above. And i'm sure his Konnie Huq-athon to follow will undoubtedly be much better.

ps. this blogger shite is a fucking bitch to format.


  1. Yay a proper blog post! Too bad its a super-male lustfest which I find totally alienating and cannot relate to anyway.

    Apart from that Rhys guy, I'd let him henry my tudor anyday! Phwoah!!

  2. That dude who was chief of Lakshmi's (8 legged kid) village. What a looker! What a guy!

  3. "If I was I was an Ouran High School Host Club 'customer' I'd most definitely choose Tamaki. Although Kyoya there is nice too, all dark and mysterious and stuff".




  4. Aww, bless!

    I get all of them except for the anime dude (oh dear) and Razorlight. Dey is uuuugly man!
