Saturday 4 April 2009

Hey Guys!

Can someone write another post please you boring fucks. Let's not let the love die. I blame Tim. Poetry is hereby banned. 

Just to keep to you up to date: 2 new questions rocking my world [making me want to die]:
1. Can developing countries ever catch up with developed countries?
2.  How strong is the obligation to prevent climate change for future generations?

When I finally do some work I'll tell you the correct answer to both of them. Unless anyone has any input on either question?

That is all. 


  1. 1. no
    2. Very little - I think my parents actually did more for the planet when we where little, than they do now.

  2. 1. pessimistic!
    2. whaja mean?

  3. 1. NO! realistic
    2. I think that in "doing more for the planet " we are actually doing less

  4. In conclusion..

    1. Not under the current system as inequality is both widening and deepening although there are some positive signs for the future, shown both through reform and resistance.
    2. Very strong for several reasons, including that the evidence points to the facts that we are both responsible and still have the power to do something. Absolute ideas of equality should extend to future generations etcetera.
