Monday 30 November 2009

Sunday 29 November 2009


Here are some innovative blog ideas! Because the reason no one's posting is clearly lack of imagination.

ALBUMS OF THE YEAR. (Can someone tell Chris to do this, that bum has nothing else to do with his time and last years one was pretty supreme)


oh, also

ALBUMS OF THE DECADE! yeah that's right.

or probably more interestingly/less stupidly


(I've been reading a lot end of year/decade lists at the mo. Surprisingly. A film would be good though.)

You could also try 'Game' or other such media. Or perhaps, things such as 'Facial Hair' or 'Mother' or 'Dictator' or simply just 'Food'. The possibilities are endless.

For not 'Of The' related, try:

X Factor : Not a Waste of a Weekend

The Life, Times and Music of Joseph M. Murphy

People I Distrust and Why

Man or Beast? A Study of the Legend of C.K.W

Something Food Related

Dunkirk Wildlife

And Three's A Pound: Geoff(s) - The Biography

Gael Garcia Bernal: A Pictorial History

and lastly,

Excalibur Grottage: A Life without Chaz

Cool, thanks.

Bonus: - Type 'my willy' into google iss funneh.

Re: Banner

Can we change it to a less embarrassing, perhaps more work-friendly one?

Monday 23 November 2009

Warmer Climes

As this blog enters its death throes, I thought I would share the link to Leanne's blog, which is awesome, well written, very funny, and has no links to shit news stories or pictures of vaginas and eyeballs exploding.

Thursday 12 November 2009


12.30: Wake up, stumble out my garage death pit and go and catch up on a bit of bargain hunt and then over to Loose Women. Turn on THE INTERNET
12.35: Mother goes off to cook me lunch - grilled chicken and rice? Yes Please!
13.30: ITV News - Yeah, I'm interested in current affairs - I HAVE A POLITICS DEGREE Y'KNOW, although I'm too sleepy to watch anything other than ITV.
14.05: Friends (E4) it's the Princess Leia one, I thought I could handle but can't - change to Come Dine With Me (More 4) Lunch also plus vegetables - I guess I oughta get some good stuff in me.
14.30: Trisha (Fiver) Not a fan of Trisha's new haircut. Just dump that love rat, you idiot!
15.05: Gilmore Girls (E4) Theytalksofastactualyjessisquitehotandidontactuallyhateloreli
16.10: Deal or No Deal (with a bit of Countdown beforehand)(C4) Noel's such a bastard
17.00: Golden Balls (ITV1) Mother gets abit shouty
18.00: Hungry - Mother goes to cook dinner.
19.00-00.00: Channel flicking.
00.01: Turn off THE INTERNET. Emerge off sofa. Back to garage.
00.03-02.50: Guitar Hero on Tour. Damage hand severely until it resembles claw and move closer towards 5 stars on every song.
3.00: SLEEP

Wednesday 11 November 2009