Monday 7 December 2009

Top Albums of 2009 Lazy Version

Although I do eventually plan to do a proper list of albums that came out this year. This is my Last.FM list of the albums I listened to most this year. Pretty interesting in comparison to my planned list - for example, I didn't actually think about #1 at all!


  1. Cool idea Chaz, here's mine:

  2. Just spent ages trying to format this bloody post properly, but I will leave it as it is.

    Also, if it took account of what I listen to on my MP3 player, top would actually be M83 by absolute miles.

  3. Those M83 fellows are excellent for playing quietly to drown out the niggling reminders that the lesson planning you're only starting now needs to be done for an assessed lesson tomorrow, cheers!

  4. They're also good for walking in the rain/staring out of train windows/generally being emo omg noone understands me type situations.

