Wednesday 20 May 2009

Time to get a Playstation 3

Watch this video before you read any further and start to get excited.

Absolutely amazing. Obviously it's a very early video (the first video of Nico that went on to be Wanda and the Colossus was completely different in theme to the final game), but the implications of this trailer are obvious. Ico established pathos by linking you with a character for the entirety of the game, and Colossus established pathos by having you kill huge, majestic beasts while questioning the validity of your actions. Trico looks like a return to the warmth and niceties of Ico, while still retaining the huge creatures of the previous games. It also looks set to be even more heart wrenching than Ico, Leon and Bambi all shoved into a sack and chucked in the canal. It's pretty obvious that it's going to be the best thing ever made.


  1. Maybe not quite the time to shell out yet, the release date for this presumably being some considerable time in the future and there being only 2 other reasons (LBP & Flower) to buy a PS3 atm imo.

    Does look very exciting though, fantastic animation and truly awesome character design as expected - mouse ears / rat tail being highlights for me. Have to say I've got all my fingers and toes crossed that those little wings will grow at some point but in all honesty I don't think it's going to happen!

    PS. Apparent HD emulation of SotC - all you need is a behemoth of a machine

  2. I'm just ripping off the Trico thread on the Edge Forums but thought it's impressive enough to warrant another comment anyway.

    Emulating PotC @ PS2 native resolution

    Emulating SotC @ 1900 x 1200

    So smooth! Apparently the latter's unplayably choppy, but oh so pretty!
