Wednesday 23 September 2009


Saw this in this weeks Guide, might have have a look today, looks pretty interesting! Might report back later!

Update> Right, so yeah that was bizzare. The gallery is in some weird part o' town, Hackney to be precise, scary place, but not actually too bad. So yeah, rolled on down to Eaaast Laandan, ended up on some road filled with council estates and was a tad worried about drive bys then found some big red iron gates, a poster and a bell. Rang the bell for a good few minutes before realising there was another bell with a big ol arrow pointing at it, before some dutiful person came to open the the big gate. bit weird like, felt like you needed some secret handshake to gain access, half expected to be shot down whilst entering for not wearing the right clothes. Anyway, yeah, pretty strange gallery. Oh yeah, and the exhibition itself was pretty cool. Fairly small, got a free poster, notes and all that. As you'd expect pretty amazing artwork, obviously spend the whole time wondering whyyy it wasn't made. Good stuff.


  1. "Ooo, look at me, I'm in London, look at all the things I can do in London"

    Yeah but it doesn't have Olde Trip on tap and the rapetastic Goose Fair does it?! :P

    You might be sensing a little bit of envy because it looks pretty interesting, I even considered blogging about it a few weeks ago.

  2. Looks fun. I can't stand Giger though. I've never seen the appeal in Dune either. There's loads more interesting Sci-Fi out there. I guess it's a guy thing and guys like war and shit.

  3. This woulda been Jodorowsky does sci-fi though, bit more interesting than your usual!
