Thursday 13 November 2008

6000 words/14 days: Part 2

13/11/08: 8 days to go

*Almost 3000 words down, pretty much finished the first essay kinda. It's pretty shit and still need to write a conclusion. So good news - that's done, bad news - it's shit. And I took bloody ages to do it and in my experience the harder I work on a essay - the shitter it is!

*Which brings me to my next essay for Narco-terrorism but now I only have 8 days to go! And which only just occured to me! Argh. So yes, reading week was pretty much wasted! 

* Essay 2 =  'Has Mexico Become Columbianized' - pretty gheyly worded, but I didn't write it. So anyway, now I enter a new hell, moving away from terrorism and weapons of mass destruction (btw let's really hope terrorists never develop a contagious biological weapon. Although: this is not worrying as it's been happening for ages!) into the happier world of gun crime and death - (Shottingham really doesn't have anything on Mexico City!) 

* I also thought I'd save money by some nifty photocopying, but just so you know putting 4 pages onto 1 isn't so good for the eyes. 

*SOB I have so much to do! WHY have I taken so long writing this?????!!

*Anyway, as I slide the slippery slope into mental breakdown (nah not really I don't care that much) here be some extra lolz...

p.s. can someone else write one now. a good one!