Tuesday 3 March 2009

25 'life changing' albums...

Hmm, haven't we done this before? Or, maybe I'm just remembering our top of 08? Probably that... I guess I should write a little something about all of them... Argh, here we go!

[Don't judge me too harshly on the first two - these are in chronological order (to when I listened to them, and they therefore 'effected' me). I've bent the rules on 'albums' as I've included two EPs and a demo:]

01: Linkin Park - "Hybrid Theory"

I wasn't interested in music. Simple as. I owned about 3 CDs, all of which were abherant Xmas pressies - Steps, U2 & Destiny's Child. Urgh. Saw Linkin' Park on Top of the Pop's performing 'Crawling' live. Obviously the only live performance for a long time - pop artists were making a mockery of TOTP's live policy. My Mum said, and I remember verbatim, 'Why would anyone listen to this?!" I smiled because I was impressed.

02: Slipknot - "Slipknot"

I listened to 'Hybrid Theory' for a long time. All the way through, singing every note. Pure cliche teenager. Baggy jeans, chains everywhere, sullen. What's changed?! ha. But seriously, I moved on after quite a while - and not liking any recommendations others made to LP (such as Papa Roach) - to Slipknot. I still hold that there's some KILLER songs on this album, and the cerebral production is still something to be reckoned with.

03: earthtone9 - "arc'tan'gent"

Very, very quickly, I became bored with the US filtered nu-metal/rock/whatever, that was pouring through Kerrang!'s pages (yes, I was a avid and reliable reader back then). However, these were the days when K! was actually full of articles and was well written. A little piece caught my eye. I loved the name, and the band photo screamed something weird and original. I visited their website and downloaded 'Tat Twam Asi' and 'Evil Crawling I' from the website. My jaw hit the ground. Within 2 months I had everything by them, but they broke up within a week of my discovery. Loads of good bands have come from these guys, and I'm tempted to say that Twin Zero and Blackstorm are perhaps better. But earthtone9 still hold a special place in my heart. This is where EVERYTHING in my life to date started. I'm not exaggerating. This album defines me, my decisions, my musical outlook on the UK scene, my want to be involved both in bands, the label, the scene, whatever. Utterly fucking essential to who Chris is. Seriously.

04: Poison the Well - "Tear From the Red"

This band are amazing. They've transformed line-up wise and sound-wise so many times, yet the core keep going, and they bastardize the hardcore template into something exciting and new. Everything is awesome, but 'Tear From the Red' is the first thing I heard by them. 'Botchla' and 'Lazzaro' are classics.

05: Botch - "We are the Romans"

Where modern metalcore/hardcore comes from basically. That 'squeely' guitar flick? Botch. The swagger, the drawl, the technicality, the pure venom. Awesome.

06: Norma Jean - "Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child"

Botch's worshipers. Many find this perfectly terrible. But, a band who love Botch and go heavier? Erm, your problem?! So they're strongly Christian and their lyrics reflect that. Passion is fucking passion though - the lyrics are amazing. Feature guest vocals from mewithoutYou's frontman too on the now famous 'Memphis Will be Laid to Waste', who are another awesome band. Best track is doubtlessly 'It Was If The Dead Man Stood Upon The Air'. Cyclical concept track. Yes please.

07: The Postman Syndrome - "Terraforming"

American version of earthtone9 I'd say. Weird band. The singing might turn people off, as it's strained and high pitched in places. Got a very technical aspect to the musicianship, but not necessarily on the heavy, as with Botch.

08: Cave In - "Jupiter"

What-the-fuck-are-they-doing??!?!?!-oh-no-they've-gone-soft-on-us-oh-wait-it's-fucking-awesome release from super heavy hardcore band, Cave In. 'Jupiter' is perfect. Catchy rock with metallic licks. I've recently 'rediscovered' this beauty, and I'm very glad.

09: Converge - "Jane Doe"

What the fuck can I say about this album? ICONIC - album name, album art, track names. The most essential hardcore album since 'We Are the Romans'. Absolutely fucking raging. You will instantly be windswept first few listens. I hated this when I first listened to it, but something deep down told me that it was awesome, and slowly, but surely, I unpicked the noise, heard the subtleties. The lyrics are some of the best ever. They got published as a small poetry book a while back.

10: Today is the Day - "Sadness will Prevail"

This is extreme metal. No, I don't mean that catchment term fucking Terrorizor use nowadays to mean death, black, grind or doom. I mean metal, pushed to an illogical extreme. A double album... If you could bottle the title and the immediate feelings it invokes, then this is those small vials of hate, fear, and yes, sadness, that were conjured. Gnarly, man...

11: Cult of Luna - "The Beyond"

So, the last few tracks aren't all that amazing. How can this be in a life changing list then? Because 'Receiver', 'Genesis', 'The Watchtower', 'Circle' & 'Arrival' are fucking AMAZING. The heaviest 'post-metal' out there - before and up to this point. I thought Cult of Luna lost their way, but their newie 'Eternal Kingdom' is a return to form. But... it's nowhere near as heavy as this. It's a less organic recording this, but somehow that's OK. The raw power the crisper production evokes, lends even more 'ooompf' to the aforementioned tracks. Towering, blitzing, destruction. Loud.

12: Pelican - "Australasia"

Some bang on about the EP. Nah, this is better. Some say they got better through the past two albums. Nah, this is better. Instrumental post-metal, doomy shizzle. Just sounds right.

13: Circle Takes the Square - "As the Roots Undo"

Best screamo album ever. Drew and Kathy's vocals are amazing. The concept is awesome. The album art is awesome. The complete package. Lyrics are outstanding (yes, I do have a thing about lyrics - I do think they're important, and I do think you can understand metal singers, especially having studied the lyrics - I tend to find the heavier bands actually have the more amazing lyrics - think it's something to do with being able to bend pronunciation and rhythm through a scream):

Rejoice, rejoice a noble birth, a prince is born.
Behold the birth of violence, beasts of fang and feather cry for our concrete rapture,
And if we beg to be put down, unto us the most inspired storm.
A princess ravaged by her prince behold; the birth of sex and distance, two frail corpses both were they, his eyes were the first to stray...
Every tree held fast the earth to sky.
Concrete replaces every branch and twig as they were frayed upon the birth of ambition.
The heavens filled our gilded vessel with poison tears, before we drink, I propose a toast, a final prayer.
Here's to the watchers in the wood, here's to the last days, unto us a most inspired song.
Shaper, stop the music.
Halt the harp strings whose chords confuse our histories with textures.
With the disheartened chorus of a hymnal whose choir is the conviction of the starving, artless;
Tempted by the feast of proof that this body of work has worth.
Uncertain as the fingering of a chord torn prematurely from a piano's womb.
As we fill our precious lungs with concrete, that faithful shade, a shaper's song is stopped short- a dying breath a singing shore.
Then the only movement and the last remains of grace:
Pollen falling off the simple hinge joint leg upon the final breath of a dragonfly.
A cardinal, lost but headstrong in mid flight cries for our concrete rapture.
Wade in the water, wade. Let the flood swell, thank the storm for her tears.
The faithful say its beautiful, its god's will but the fool knows what the prophets have seen, no salvation's impending.
The faithful say its beautiful, its god's will let the flood swell and the bodies that break we'll just float down the river.
Stay tame, soft river, while we weigh our faith, stay sweet, run softly, sweet river, the fool who wades in doubt will float like concrete.
Come and fill your lungs. Come and fill your lungs.
There's so much hope buried underneath tragedy, its the same shade as concrete.
The faithful say its beautiful, its god's will, let the flood swell
on the loudspeaker sermons and a parish descending.
There's so much hope buried underneath tragedy, its the same shade as concrete.
Let the flood swell.

14: The Guillaume Seam - "The Guillaume Seam" (demo)

Died after recording just three songs. But what songs they were. This is basically impossible to find downloadable - they're just not known enough. So, if you want to hear them, let me know! It's so roughly recorded that at one point the vocals pop because Ben screams too loud for the mic to take it in! Testament to UK talent; testament to the odd trend of awesome UK bands to fuck off after recording a demo...

15: Isis - "Panopticon"

As debated with Helen on Facebook, this is perhaps not Isis' best album. 'Oceanic' probably is. As well as that, I did hear 'Oceanic' first, as it came out before 'Panopticon'. But, I simply don't listen to the 'Oceanic' as much as this album. It had a more profound effect on me. 'So Did We' and 'In Fiction' showcase Aaron Turner's improved vocals. Don't actually get why people call him out anyway. Saw Isis recently, and he was fucking amazing. Note for note perfect.

16: Deadboy & The Elephantmen - "If This is Hell, Then I'm Lucky"

Dax Riggs new project. Bit of a legend in the hardcore field, due to previous outfit Acid Bath being hugely influential. This is his blues/country/rock/metal bastard child album with a few friends, who have moved on now. In fact, it was mainly Dax as I talked to him AND it's recently been re-released under his solo name. Got Kerrang! to thank for this oddly. Was the first KKKKK I'd ever seen (before they started giving them out willy-nilly). Haunting, odd, wicked.

17: Kylesa - "To Walk a Middle Course"

Don't know what everyone is going on about 'Time Will Fuse It's Worth' being better than this. Absolute bull. Raging sludgey metal. Sweeeeeet. Need this on vinyl. Yes.

18: Explosions In The Sky - "How Strange, Innocence"

I think I remember Mike calling EITS out for never having produced a strong album with all solid quality tracks on. I'm afraid I have to differ buddy - I think this is it. First I'd heard of them, and admittedly their best. There's a wonderful naivity to it all.

19: Harvey Milk - "Courtesy and Good Will Towards Men"

Birth of modern sludge and doom right here kiddies. Forget everyone blah blahing it about Black Sabbath. Well, OK, don't... It's kinda true. But modern sludge/doom that I listen to certainly owe more to Harvey Milk. Totally weird album from them, as they were/are more classic rock. Helped define what's going on today on label's like Hydra Head, Southern Lord, etc.

20: Khanate - "Capture & Release" (EP)


Sparse, silence, experimentation, perfect timing, wretched vocals, lowlowlowlowbass, thundering drumming. Totally left field. Pushed the template of modern music in general. More art-form than music? I'll dangle one leg in each argument please.

21: Mare - "Mare" (EP)

Ex-The End, Tyler Semrick-Palmateer's new project. Dead now. Mixing sludge with choral vocals? Hahahahaha, yes, fuck yes, oh god how good is this? Yup. You all know anyway. 5 tracks and they went. Canada's as bad as the UK. Caleb is now drumming for CTTS. Tyler tells me he's doing something or another in music, but nothing doing on the band front right now. I want that voice back man! Dubin is distinctive. TSP is fucking gorgeous. That scream... I mean, what the fuck?!

22: Asva - "Futurists Against the Ocean"

DROOOOOOOOOOOOOONE done bestist. Dahlquist done nasty lovely. Bass. Drone. Jessica awesome voice Kinney. Yup.

23: Kayo Dot - "Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue"

I'm not going into this. Absolutely amazing. New album just couldn't top it, but I already expected it. Totally fucking awesome. Changed my outlook on what was and was not possible in metal. Opened my mind. Any album that does that is TRULY life changing.

24: Trap Them - "Sleepwell Deconstructor"

I've gone into Trap Them in previous posts. I'll do what I did for 'Jane Doe' relating to 'We Are the Romans'..................... So... 'Sleepwell Deconstructor' is the best hardcore album since 'Jane Doe'. RAGING.

25: Wolves in the Throne Room - "Two Hunters"

Blaaaaaack metal enters Chris' world. Well, OK, I did know of it before, but I'd never really found much to like. I have since these guys, so this really did open doors. That lovely lass Jessica Kinney is back again. Organic, melodic, heavy - just really beautiful, stark and great.


OK, so some of those comments are a little retarded and stream-of-consciousness, but to be honest, it's late, and I didn't anticipate writing anything until I copied and pasted off Facebook and realized a list on it's own was just a list on it's own, accompanied with one statement.

Let me know if anyone wants any of these.
And do yours!

1 comment:

  1. scratch TZ of BS being better that et9... they're ace, but not better. no.
