Sunday 8 March 2009

Like Chaz's only different II

I was honestly just about to post this link but now it seems like straight ahead Chaz-copying, I have to say I enjoyed the Guinness though.

Anyway, it's an uber-serious, slightly pretentious but generally well-written and thought provoking blog about videogames, with a Shadow of the Colossus header, naturally.


  1. took me a long while (about 2 minutes) to understand the guiness comment. i'm such a trend setter. it's always been this way.

    p.s. links to good blogs are good.

  2. ALSO what are you inferring by the title/picture? :(

  3. Lol, it says different, not worse! Horses for courses and all that. Not that you're a horse, of course. Or a course for that matter.

    PS. Like your blog-link-post too :)
