Wednesday 1 July 2009

The Next Pub Crawl

So I guess we're getting fed up of Nottingham's pubs, even Beeston's. So what next? Japan obv. No, actually, some of these pubs seem kind of cool. For such a culturally homogenous country, it's weird to see that some people are turning to UK/European style beer, and not just expats presumably. The prices are pretty damn steep (£3 seems to be about as cheap as it goes, with £5 apparently being a very good deal for Guinness :O), but I guess if you have the cash to go halfway around the world, you wouldn't think twice about pissing away the best part of a tenner on a pint.


  1. Looks shit. Srsly, they just look like any old boring bar. Johno anyday or maybe U Zlateho Tygra ;)
    Would like to try that 'light' 5% beer though!

  2. Yeah, but it's 'any old boring bar' surrounded by neon lights, paper walls and other clichés.

    Surely the whole point is the context in which you encounter something that seems so mundane to us?
