Saturday 20 June 2009

Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe

Could be interesting. He did used to write for a PC magazine, though. Apparently he interviewed the guys from Consolevania on a recent Screenwipe or something. I don't know. I find his print stuff quite funny, and I really should be excited by a new videogame related TV show, but I kind of find him annoying in the flesh, so to speak.


  1. Ooo, could be good! Although I feel like it'll either end up going out late at night or on the sci-fi channel / bravo / dave, as games tv - except the mighty gamesmaster of course - has always seemed to have pretty niche audiences.

    Charlie Brooker meets Consolevania sounds interesting, I've always meant to watch more Consolevania but have only ever got round to watching their review of Oblivion ages ago - was pretty funny though, if I remember rightly.

  2. Consolevania is kind of like Gamesmaster mixed with Trainspotting. It's not always great, but it's always worth watching. I'd start from series one and work your way onwards just to get a feel.
