Saturday 6 June 2009

Don't get over eMOTIONal

I don't know what the shit this is, but I like it.

Also catching my eye in the coverage of this year's E3 (apart from Assassins Creed 2 which I have a strangely soft spot for when you consider my cynicism about almost every other big 'franchise' - including Super Mario Galaxy 2) is Sony and Microsoft's attempts to catch up with the Wii's motion controls.

Here's Sony's (part 1 & part 2), which is a surprisingly dull demonstration of something actually pretty exciting - apologies for American presenters.

And here's Microsoft's (Painting, Breakout, Advert), quite a bit of unintentional amusement to be had, not least the ultra cheesy - go team lite - stroke floor, wave arms - minority report - sloganeering 'product vision' advert.

Basically Microsoft have gone for the eyetoy-plus approach and are pushing the fact that you have "NO CONTROLS!" (although hopefully not no control), while Sony are going for maximum precision, at the price of looking like a tit holding up 2 glowing wands / luminous bell ends.

Now I have to say that I'm excited about both products, with the writing and archery of the PS3 stuff and the Minority Report-esque bits at the end of the 'project natal' advert looking like THE FUTURE but it almost seems that both companies have took pre-existing tech and made them 'HD' .

This article probably sums it up better than me and I feel like I had more to say but today's 12 hour shift has knocked it out of me a bit so... discuss.

Also, got a ps2 component cable today and played a bit of SotC on an HD screen - shows the pixelation and distance blur effects up considerably but still so much more discernible detail - Ico update to come!

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